First post is the freshest

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While this is a first post, there's nothing epic of groundbreaking happening. Glad we got that out of the way :)This is just me. Saying what's up, saying welcome to my spot. I really can't tell you exactly what to expect because I don't quite have that figured out myself. What I do expect is to talk a lot about being black. Being a woman. Being raised in America. Becoming a feminist. My struggle to battle the capitalistic ideals that have been passed on to me. My quest to help others find their way (not as a hero but as a sister/friend/lover and champion of people). My journey to decolonize my mind from white supremacy, patriarchy and misogyny (let us pray). Things I find funny. Things I don't find funny. Much ado about America's major industries--especially food and health. People I find genius. People I can't stand. Loads of nerd shit (because why not?). I feel like I have to talk about travel. I have to talk about my family. I really have the most amazing family. My bomb ass friends. My own thoughts on current happenings. How I feel about love. How I feel about activism. My opinions on brands. My opinions on films. Oh, and wine! And sex. And money. I'm gonna talk about what moves me. Why not?If a person or two finds what I have to say super-awesome or super-whack, won't matter to me. This is where I plan to air myself out. I don't care much who's watching. This is my therapy...for me. And if we click? If we vibe in some way? I hope the exchange gives you what you need or that you can hit me up to continue the conversation. I'm always down for honest discourse :)This is already longer than I was aiming for so I'll end this here and say 'welcome'. Enjoy!


Self-preservation: Why I'm not Marriage Material