On expression as a process of being
I spent a lot of time upset about the things happening to me and around me and not having a way to fully express it. The safety you build with others may have contingencies and you’re in a place in your life where you’re not willing to risk losing others over how you may feel. It feels that grave, even for the smallest things. You remain choked up. So much to say and little means of meaningful expression available, even now we’re trying clunkily with social media tools built with profitability in mind and connection as a minor feature. All of us trying to say something, show something that expresses the true essence of who we really are and of course it always falls short. One project, one achievement, one post can never do the work of summing up all you have to say. Your legacy isn’t in just the one moment of expression. It’s continuous. It’s ongoing. It’s always being written. So live it in the now. Express it in the now. Even if it feels silly or unimportant or reaching over important self importance (hello, this post). Express it. Express yourself in ways that feel good specifically to you and let other marvel if they choose. But just do you. Be you in your expression.